There's a lot of played out style that's always popping up everywhere. It's hard to find shit that's different and actually worthwhile. I can't remember how I ran across LaMar and SUPERFRESHCLOTHES.COM, but I did.

SUPERFRESHCLOTHES.COM is where you can order fresh t-shirts for men and women. There are only 36 of each design made and they have a time limit on them. You have to get em while they're hot because if not, you won't get em at all. The website is also starting to branch out into other areas as well. The have fresh bands/bracelets, chains, and wallets. Don't sleep on this website. I've copped there a few times for myself. I wouldn't advocate something that I didn't think was worth the effort.

The designs above are clearly old news, because like I stated before- once the time is up, you cannot get the design back. Those are just a few of the fresh designs that SUPERFRESHCLOTHES.COM has had to offer. Now that you've seen some of the designs, lemme introduce you to the designer...

Customer service is a big deal to me when it comes to shopping, in general. If I don't get treated right, I probably won't come back to shop at that store. LaMar has been very good to me throughout my whole SuperFresh experience. He independently runs his business with tons of effort and enthusiasm. LaMar never sleeps on SuperFresh and that makes it an ever greater reason to shop with his brand. Like I've always said, I support independent people who are grinding and HE is the epitome of a grinder.
Watch this video to learn a little more about what I'm supporting.
SuperFresh Myspace
SuperFresh YouTube
Hit up LaMar & get SuperFresh. Tell em Audrey sent you :)
I love the accessories. Must cop.
I love the stay grinding shit. Dope as hell
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