Will Smooth dropped an interview for http://www.iamfeedmekicks.com FINALLY!
I would like to thank Will Smooth for taking the time out of his busy schedule to do an interview with me and for everything he has done for my blog and myself. It doesn't go unappreciated.
Three days ago, Will Smooth dropped his new highly anticipated mixtape entitled "Brain Tease". "Brain Tease" is the next chapter of Will Smooth following up the last mixtape, "Eat Your Heart Out". If you haven't downloaded "Eat Your Heart Out" then you are REALLY sleeping and should wake up. Don't worry, I'll drop download and contact links at the end.

The mixtape is hosted by DJ Zeke & DJ Super Nova.
2.Fishin' For A Hater - This track is one of my favorites on the tape. It's produced by Kris Krozz. I'm really not fond of hater songs, the phrase is overplayed and annoying, BUT Will Smooth puts his own spin on it and makes the song catchy.
2.Reggie Bush - Justin Rose features AND produced this track. Although this track wasn't one of my favorites, it's fun and smooth. The word play is nice on this joint as well.
3.Iced Tea Lemonade
4.Tag Your It - This track is nice. It almost sounds like a cliche song for a flirt like Will Smooth to write, but it's different and has a catchy sound to it. I dig it. It was produced by Yung Fokus.
5.Deuces - I might be biased when I say that I love this song, simply because I'm an avid Chris Brown fan, BUT I absolutely love this song. It might be my favorite from the tape, but it's hard for me to pick just one favorite. The word play is nice. I really just like the verse and spin put on it.
6.Well....I'm missing number 6, so I'm not sure what goes here. *confused face*
7.J. Romez (Please Put Me On Skit)
8.Yeah I Know - I love this song. All this truth in one song is almost too much for me! lol. Will Smooth is hilariously honest, and it makes this song a BANGER. Embezz Pierre is featured on this song and I can dig it. Nice verses from both of em.
9.Broken Legs - I love this song. It reminds me of a jerkin type of song, but it's real catchy and I caught my head bobbin more than a few times.
10.Hello Ho - I really like this track. It has a slow kinda R&B beat, which attracts me to the song, but the message is strong. HELLLOOO HOO!!
11.J. Romez (Hollywood Superstar Skit)
12.Hollywood - This song is dope. It features John Tucker & a female singer, Maxine Ashley. Everyone can relate to the message of the song because it's always thirsty ass usin people.
13.Flashy Lights
14.Fighting With The Aliens
15.Gravity - I love the sound of this song. The sound, message, everything about this song is on point. It's a real song that people can relate to because it's about REAL SHIT. Nice.
16.Yesterday - Another dope song that is about real shit. When I think of Will SMooth, I think about the goofy ass songs, but songs like this help me realize that Will's a real dude to and goes through real things. I can dig. The flow and sound of the song is on point.
17.Pretty Girls - Another nice track that I will be puttin on my iPod.
18.Full Course Meal/Yummy - Here's the freaky side of Will Smooth. The beat on this track is nice. I like this track. Mature Audience :)
19.All The Way Turnt Up
20.Unthinkable - There was already a video dropped to this joint. I love it. Alicia killed the song, but for Will to put a male twist on it made it that much better.
21.Brain Tease Outro (Fabreezy Zeke Arguement)
ALl around I think this mixtape is dope. I think Will Smooth is a creative person who makes dope music and has the drive and integrity to go far in what he does. I think this mixtape really showed more of a realistic side to Will and I can appreciate that. I definitely hope that you guys download the mixtape and take a listen. It's worth it.
Please, get in touch with Will Smooth by the links below.
Facebook: Will Smooth
"Brain Tease"
"Eat Your Heart Out"
i like gravity and unthinkable :)
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